This week has been lots of fun. We've been reading Dr. Seuss books, doing activities, and watching Dr. Seuss movies. I love Dr. Seuss. His books are amazing. Of course, they teach great writing skills: using creativity, descriptive words, silly words, and rhyming. But, more than that, his stories are loaded with amazing lessons that are timeless. And, it's not that hard to tie Dr. Seuss' lessons to those from the Bible.
One of our favorite stories is The Sneetches. We watched the old cartoon that used to come on CBS, then we read the book. This tale is full of real-life problems...all about prejudice and discrimination. The kids and I talked about the "star-bellied" Sneetches and how they thought they were better than the other Sneetches because of their stars. We talked about how the Sneetches "without stars upon thars" wanted to do what they could to be like the Sneetches. We talked about how God made all people unique. We all have something special, and God DID NOT make any of us superior to others.
Another one of our favorites is The Lorax. I know that some people have negative views of it because of the strong environmental themes. But, I believe The Lorax can work right along with the Bible. God has blessed us with a beautiful earth full of animals, plants, and amazing places. The Lorax "speaks for the trees", and I believe God has given us the responsibility of taking care of the wonderful Earth He created! We really enjoy the book, the classic movie, and the new movie! There is a silly App for iPhones and iPads...check out the kids!
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Cecely as the Lorax |
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Titus as the Lorax |
We really have a good time reading all of Dr. Seuss' stories. Today, we are using Green Eggs and Ham as our kick-off. I made Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast Sandwiches this morning. We've watched the old cartoon, Cecely has read the story out loud, and in a little while we are going to talk about green food, how to use similes, and maybe even write a poem using green things. It's going to be a wubblulous-wondermous-fantasmical week!
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Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast Sandwich |
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Thoughts before the 1st bite... |
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Here we go! |
I'm thinking the smiles mean they like it! |