My VIPKID Stats |
It is hard for me to believe that I am approaching the 6-month mark with
VIPKID. Time really has flown by, and I honestly think it's because I love this job so much. So far, I have taught 266 students in 727 lessons. I only know that I'm coming up on 6 months because I can't open up February teaching slots yet! I'm chomping at the bit to renew my contract. Working for
VIPKID has been rewarding to me in so many ways. My husband is super-happy with the income, but my favorite thing about this job is working with amazing kids--across the world! I have had several people reach out to me asking about
VIPKID, so I am going to do my best to answer as many questions as I can in this blog. If I don't answer a question you have, please email me! I would love to talk with you more about this incredible job!
Let's get one thing out of the way from the get-go. I'm not a big referral person, BUT
VIPKID offers a great incentive program. I haven't received anything from it yet, but my business-savvy husband often reminds me to put the information out there. The referral program gives the "recruiter" a one-time financial incentive once their "recruit" teaches their first class. If you are interested in learning more about
VIPKID, please use
my referral link and my referral code:03T5QP. I'll let you know when I make that extra cash--and just maybe I'll send you a coffee gift card to allowing me to be a part of your process!
My VIPKID Classroom |
Now that that's out of the way, I can write about how much I enjoy this job. The benefits are phenomenal. I get to work from home! I have a small office that I use as my "classroom". You DO NOT have to have an entire room for
VIPKID. You really just need a space where you can decorate the wall behind you and where you can sit comfortably for your lessons. Because of the time difference between here and China, I am able to finish teaching my lessons and have a full day. Ideally, this would include a nap since I begin teaching at 5:30am and finish at 9am; but, I'm a wife, mama and have another part-time job (that I also love). It is rare I take a nap, but that's ok. I've started going to bed earlier, which is much better for my health (I am a big night owl). With the time I have after lessons, I can do housework, read a book (for fun), help out at my kiddos' school, take my hubby lunch, visit with a friend, or whatever! I LOVE getting to be able to be home and to be available to my family during the day. Some people view the time difference as a negative, but I don't mind it--although it did take some getting used to.
VIPKID contracts are set up in 6 month increments. For my traditional teacher friends, this can
My Week |
be a great deal when summer rolls around. I know the school year is crazy, but depending on your lifestyle and commitments, it can be possible to teach
VIPKID during the school year. The contract requires you to teach 7.5 hours (that's 15 lessons) a month. If you can chunk those times around your schedule, you could start off easy then kill it over the summer! Right now, I work 6-7 days a week, but that's because I am treating this job as close to a full-time job as I can make it. I usually work 5:30am-9:am Monday-Friday, then 6 or 7am-9am on Saturday and Sunday. If I know our family will have a late night, then I either work fewer/later hours the following day or take the day off. For example, I knew New Year's Eve would be a late night, so I didn't open any time slots for New Year's Day. During holiday seasons, whether American or Chinese,
VIPKID does offer some exciting incentives. Try your best to plan ahead. Life happens and schedules change. For
VIPKID, the better prepared you are, the better your experience. I did have a time when my daughter became very sick and I had to cancel 2 classes. I was penalized for those classes, because I cancelled under 24 hours. I knew I would be penalized because
VIPKID is very clear about their cancellation policies from the get-go. I wasn't upset at all.
VIPKID has added a function where if you do have to cancel a class, you can tell them and the parent why. Truly, I feel
VIPKID tries to help teachers out as much as they can while running a major company. The policies are pretty strict, but they need to be with 20,00+ teachers to manage!
Using TPR |
If you do decide to check out
VIPKID, here are some tips. Do not spend a lot of money in preparation. Using items around your home or taking a quick (cheap) trip to the Dollar Tree or dollar aisle at your favorite store is all you need. I would not suggest spending money until you have signed your contract--then, go nuts, if you want to! For your interview and mock lesson, you'll need a small whiteboard, markers, alphabet book/flash cards, and anything else that you have on hand to go with the lesson. (Check out my earlier blogs to give you more info on the interview, mock lesson process). Another tip is to use lots of TPR (total physical response). When you are teaching an adult pretending to be a child, you need to keep them engaged. If you have spent any time with preschoolers, you know how much moving and shaking they like to do. Same here. Use your arms, your facial features, and your voice to be as animated and engaging as possible. I would also advise you to take lots of deep breaths and have fun! If you decide to check out
VIPKID, please let me know. I really would love to walk with you through the initial steps to get you involved!
The last thing I want to write about is the relational end of this job. It is crazy to think that I have
I love my students! |
developed such bonds with children who live across the world. I have about 50 students who I teach regularly. I have a few I see 1-2 times a week. I definitely have some favorites! These kids are so polite and respectful; and, for the most part, the genuinely love to learn. I know no Chinese--unless it's from reading a menu. The kiddos know limited English. Yet, we have the best time during our lessons! I have one sweet boy who even sent me a gift for Christmas! When I read the feedback from parents, I smile. They often note that they can tell I "have affection" for their children. I really do. I look forward to seeing them. I enjoy hearing about their day. I worry about them if they don't come to class. I get to be a small part of their world! I have never had the desire to go to Asia, but now I'm asking my husband when we can go to Beijing so I can visit the
VIPKID headquarters and maybe meet some of my kiddos!
My Twitter Shout-out! |
VIPKID is incredible. Sure, there are flaws and things that could be different. Yes, waking up at 5am and being "on" by 5:30am is not very glamorous. However, the positives I have to say about this company far outweigh any negatives. I was flattered recently when
VIPKID shared a link to my blog on Twitter! What? Like I said, there are 20,000+ teachers, and I couldn't believe when my blog showed up on my Twitter feed. The team really tries to encourage and motivate their teachers. It really has been such a blessing in my life to have joined the
VIPKID team.
I hope this blog has helped answer some questions. I'm sure there are many more out there. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. If you want to look around the
VIPKID website, go for it. Use
my VIPKID referral link to take you to the page, and here's my referral code if you need it: 03T5QP. I hope to hear from you! Happy New Year!