As far back as I can remember, my GrandBonnie was an active part of my life. I remember going to her house after school and playing for hours on end in her yard. She had a tire swing on a big tree. She always had snacks for my siblings and me...and I mean, the good stuff. She had Nutty Buddy bars, fried apple pies, and ice cream sandwiches ready for our greedy little fingers and mouths. GrandBonnie came to every school play, every recital, every church event...anything that we were a part of. While she didn't vocalize it, she showed us that she was one of our biggest fans.
GrandBonnie was a fantastic cook. She was of the good-old-fashioned school of cooking. She used butter in everything...this was pre-Paula Deen, mind you. Her biscuits literally melted when they hit the tongue. Her pot roast cast an aroma that could be taste before entering the house. At Christmas, she made the best treat of chocolate gravy to put on our biscuits. I am thankful that GrandBonnie took the time to teach me to cook. Every time I fix a roast, I get misty-eyed thinking of her.

My GrandBonnie was a remarkable seamstress. She altered all of my prom and homecoming gowns. She made my spring formal dress for college. I remember picking out the pattern and the material. I loved that dress...she told me it was ugly. She made my wedding dress. It was exactly what I had dreamed of. She also helped my Mama and me plan and put together my wedding. GrandBonnie was an artist with scissors, material, and a sewing machine. Sadly, I did not inherit that gift from her...I sure wish I had. When I was younger, GrandBonnie would take my sister, Andrea, and me to work with her at Weddings Beautiful, the bridal salon where she did the alterations on gowns galore. She would let us walk to the neighboring drug store to buy candy. We would get to try on gowns, make signs for sales, and organize dresses for clients. At lunch, she would take us to Burger King...we would get to order a Whopper Jr. and a milkshake...this was a big treat for us.
GrandBonnie was fearless. We lived in a wooded area, and often had to deal with mice, opossums, snakes, raccoons, etc. No living thing ruffled her feathers. I can remember times where she chased opossums out of the garage, had me and my siblings round up mice in the kitchen, and can vividly remember her chopping off the heads of several snakes (which was fine by me...I hate snakes). I remember when she was diagnosed with cancer. She faced that without fear. At every doctor appointment and treatment, she would ask insightful questions. In the midst of the reality of facing death, she was the portrait of grace.
I remember when GrandBonnie was sick. Thankfully, my family was able to move back to live closer to her. I would spend mornings with her watching HGTV. She would complain when "craft" shows came on...what was the sense in making things that would just sit around? But, she loved gardening shows and remodeling projects. As she became more sick, we would sit in silence. The TV would give her a headache. She stopped cooking, and wasn't able to eat. I remember helping her pack when it was time to go to the hospital. I often wonder if she knew it was her last trip when she was packing her favorite nightgowns and pillow with the pink satin case. I count it pure joy that I was able to spend her last days with her. I am thankful that I was able to sing hymns to her and hold her hand. I remember the heartache I felt when she looked at me and told me she didn't know who I was. That didn't stop me from wanting to be at her side nonstop.
My GrandBonnie was an amazing woman. She taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and showing grace in the most unlikely situations. She was and is my role model. It's funny, because now I catch myself saying things that GrandBonnie would say. The other day, I told my friend not to throw out a container from BoJangles, because we could wash it out and use it again. I spent the entire day out in the yard weeding my flower beds, moving rocks, arranging porch furniture, etc. When I do those things, I feel close to my wonderful GrandBonnie.
GrandBonnie did not spout off words of affection. She did not shower me in hugs and kisses. But, the all of the work she did for me, all the time she invested in me made me feel more loved than a hundred hugs. The life lessons she instilled in me are priceless.
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